Flickr のアップローダが新しくなってました。
For Uploadr 3.2, we’ve worked to address a lot of your feedback. Some of them include:
– Implemented with new XULrunner 1.9.1 beta to fix crash issues
– Fixed file sorting/order problems: synchronized order of files before, during and after upload
– Fixed bug that caused Uploadr to stall while resizing
– Fixed bug that caused Uploadr to stall while using arrow keys on keyboard
– Prevented multiple error prompts that stalled Uploadr
– Enabled "photo by photo" upload progress as default
– Fixed bug that limited batch operations
– Increased Unicode characters support
– Enabled cancel option while resizing images
– Reduced "sort by date taken" linkable area to improve usability
– Updated messaging regarding video sizes and number of videos
– Fixed bug that caused Uploadr to add failed photos multiple times
– Improved Uploadr’s ability to retrieve sets
余談:Flickr の Help フォーラムの HTML ソースはひどいな。